
In the News

  • Increasing Commuting Via Public Transit

    How can we get more people to take public transit rather than drive to work? This article in Slate draws on behavioral science research—some of which was published in BSP — to argue that although commuting habits are deeply entrenched, significant disruptions—such as life changes or external events—can prompt individuals to reassess their travel choices which creates opportunities for interventions that encourage more sustainable options like public transit and biking. Effective change requires both improved infrastructure and behavioral nudges timed to moments of transition.

  • The Rise of the Food Desert

    Access to healthy foods is a critical piece of a healthy life, however, people living in food deserts lack convenient access to affordable, fresh groceries. Here, The Atlantic covers the emergence of food deserts and describes what can be done, at a policy level, to improve access to healthy food.

  • The Danger of “Banking” With a FinTech App

    The convenient way users can send and store money in Fintech apps like Venmo, has led to a steady increase in their use as an alternative to traditional banks. However, as covered here by Vox, users may be unknowingly exposing their money to risks due to limited FDIC insurance protections, susceptibility to scams, and poor customer service.

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BSPA in the News

  • BSPA Invites Nominations for Two Awards

    The Behavioral Science & Policy Association (BSPA) will hold its annual conference online, May 1 & 2, 2025. More than 500 leading behavioral scientists, policy makers, executives, and members of the media are expected to attend. All the programming, uniquely fit for digital, will be hosted online with live streaming and interactive sessions from 11am-5pm (EST).

    BSPA Invites Nominations for Two Awards
    For research that advances the rigorous application and development of behavioral/social science to policy and practice in public, private and non-profit sectors. Its goal is to encourage work that has potential to improve the quality of life of individuals and/or organizations. We will consider all research published, in journals or as books, in the years 2022-2025. The date must be the in-print date rather than the online date. Self-nominations are welcome. Submit nominations to:

    This award recognizes an early‐career scholar who received their doctoral degree in the last five years, so no earlier than 2020. The award recognizes a scholar whose body of work has advanced the rigorous application and development of behavioral/social science to policy and practice in public, private and/or nonprofit sectors. Submit nominations to:
    The submission deadline for both awards is EOD April 4, 2025.
    Winners will be announced at BSPA’s Online Conference, May 1-2, 2025


    BSPA Online Conference!!!!
    May 1-2, 2025
    Register by 11:59pm on Friday, March 14th to receive $25 off your registration.
    Enter code: BSPA2025EARLYBIRD for the early bird discount.

  • New Issue of BSP – Spotlight on Diversity in the Workplace

    Our most recent issue features five new articles that propose new insights into how “business and society can address matters relating to well-being, empowerment and equity.” The last of these is particularly timely: three articles in a Spotlight on Diversity in the Workplace take on questions of how to design effective practices to reduce workplace inequality, how to develop and deliver effective anti-bias training, and how to manage teams in ways that make the most of their diversity.

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Behavioral Science in Action

BSPA in action

Within Federal Government

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Mexico
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island
  • United States of America

Research & Think Tanks

Online Databases

Please see below for the current databases that summarize behavioral science findings.

  • The European Nudging Network

  • The Behavioral Evidence Hub


Please see below for the current platforms that are based on behavioral science findings:

  • A platform designed to help ​​organizations find the best candidates based on their talents

Don’t see your database or platform? Let us know at [email protected] and we will add it to our list!

Reports Corner

Looking for research to help your organization learn more about behavioral science? Find BSPA’s round-up of the most comprehensive reports highlighting rigorous research below:


BSP is an international peer-reviewed journal featuring short, accessible articles describing actionable policy applications of behavioral scientific research that serves the public interest. Edited by foremost disciplinary scholars for scientific rigor, and leading policy analysts for relevance and feasibility of implementation, manuscripts that pass this dual-review are professionally edited to ensure accessibility to a broad audience including policy makers, executives, behavioral scientists, and educated lay readers. BSP is an interdisciplinary joint publication of BSPA and the Brookings Institution.

Learn more about BSP and other publications