BSPA Online Conference!!!!
May 1-2, 2025


The theme for this year’s conference is: Applying Behavioral Science in your Own Backyard, and we have a star-studded line-up led by our conference co-chairs, Abby Sussman (University of Chicago) and Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University).

Highlights include:
Keynote – Fireside Chat: International Development Without a Federal Mandate (Dean Karlan & Nicholas Kristof)
• Keynote Panel: Injecting Behavioral Science Insights for Health Care Policy (David Asch, Sally Welborn & Kevin Volpp )
• Panel Discussion: Experimenting in your Organization (Jennifer Kurkoski, Elizabeth Linos, Vickie Pisowicz, Jessie Wisdom )
• Panel Discussion: Behavioral Aspects of Policing (Jens Ludwig, Roger Mayer, David Schoorman, Tom Tyler)
• Panel Discussion: Scaling & Implementation of Behavioral Interventions (Emily Cardon, Louise Connell, Stefano DellaVigna, Dean Fixsen, Scott Young)
• Book Panel: Morality & Polarization (Michael Morris, Dave Nussbaum, Steven Sloman, Leor Zmigrod)
• Topic-focused Sessions (Tina Christie, Matthew Cronin, Carrie Leana, Emma Levine, Jeffrey Linder, Katherine White,)

…and many more lightning round speakers. For more information CLICK HERE




BSPA Invites Nominations for Two Awards

For research that advances the rigorous application and development of behavioral/social science to policy and practice in public, private and non-profit sectors.  Its goal is to encourage work that has potential to improve the quality of life of individuals and/or organizations.  We will consider all research published, in journals or as books, in the years 2022-2025.  The date must be the in-print date rather than the online date.  Self-nominations are welcome. Submit nominations to:   

This award recognizes an early‐career scholar who received their doctoral degree in the last five years, so no earlier than 2020. The award recognizes a scholar whose body of work has advanced the rigorous application and development of behavioral/social science to policy and practice in public, private and/or nonprofit sectors.   Submit nominations to:
The submission deadline for both awards is EOD April 4, 2025.   
Winners will be announced at BSPA’s Online Conference, May 1-2, 2025

Spotlight Workshops

Our Spotlight workshops bring policymakers, practitioners and scientists together to brainstorm various research ‘best-practices’ and topic areas in a local setting. Topics such as energy, pre-K education, health and financial decision making can drive the agenda; alternatively, these working groups can coalesce around local government priorities in order to facilitate actionable insights being put into practice on a state or municipal level.

Does your research institution have a pressing research priority that would welcome a behavioral science lens? We can help! BSPA convenes ‘spotlight’ sessions where we help support your agenda while providing a vehicle for publication.
Whether in the public sector or a government division, we welcome the opportunity to partner. Let us know what spotlights you are interested in pursuing and together we can help support your agenda
From the private sector and interested in co-hosting a spotlight workshop with us? Get in touch! We’re always interested in a fresh perspective on issues that you care about, as you seek to develop a behavioral science capability in your organization
Want to set a research agenda for behavioral science? Send us ideas for partnership to [email protected]!
Have an idea for a spotlight proposal? Download our RFP to find out more about our work in this space!
Upcoming spotlights include ‘Safe Driving’ with the University of Kansas, and Health Equity with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Have a research interest in either of these topics? Let us know so that we can be sure to include you in the invitation and call for papers

Event Highlights

Become a Member

There is a growing movement among public and private sector leaders to help bridge the divide between behavioral research and policy. We are a key part of this movement — as an information hub and as a community builder, fostering collaboration and connecting those applying behavioral science to specific problems for the greater good. We need you to join us in making this effort have a lasting impact.

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