bspa this week (11.1.16)

  • Behavioral Insights for Cities

    Last week, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) North America launched its first report on the application of behavioral science in US cities.  It explores three key challenges faced by US cities: improving the take-up of services, building the best government workforce, and making government requests more effective. The guide is based on conducting 25 trials in midsized cities across the U.S. through Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities (WWC) initiative. BIT also shared the What Works Cities online how-to guide to conducting low cost evaluations in cities.

  • Here's The Psychological Secret To Pumping Up Voter Turnout

    Forbes writes a memo to the presidential campaigns recommending behavioral science tips to get voters to the polls, including evidence on the the power of making a plan, recently published in the Behavioral Science & Policy.

  • Nudges That Help Struggling Students Succeed

    In his latest op-ed in the New York Times, David Kirp writes how small nudges — showing students that their intelligence can grow through deliberate work — can change student mindsets and improve long-term educational outcomes

  • Twilight of the Nudges

    In the New Republic, David Johnson reviews Cass Sunstein’s book The Ethics of Influence and the “quest to keep behavioral economics in policy after Obama’s presidency.”

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