Improving the communication of uncertainty in climate science and intelligence analysis

by Emily H. Ho, David V. Budescu, Mandeep K. Dhami, & David R. Mandel
February 16, 2017

Supplemental Material

Author Note

Portions of this research were funded by Grants 1049208 and 1125879 from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Defence Research and Development Canada Joint Intelligence Collection and Analytic Capability Project, and Her Majesty’s Government. This research contributes to the NATO System Analysis and Studies Panel Technical Team on Assessment and Communication of Risk and Uncertainty to Support Decision-Making (SAS-114). We thank Thomas S. Wallsten, professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park, for useful feedback on the manuscript, and Ronald Wulf, formerly of the Canadian Forces School of Military Intelligence, for facilitating the data collection from the Canadian sample in Study 2. Copyright of this article belongs to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by Defence Research and Development Canada.

Author Affiliation

Ho, and Budescu, Department of Psychology, Fordham University; Dhami, Department of Psychology, Middlesex University; and Mandel, Socio-Cognitive Systems Section, Toronto Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada. Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]


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