Author Note
Elke U. Weber coordinated the creation of this
report; Erez Yoeli wrote the first and successive
drafts. The other authors are listed in alphabetical
Author Affiliation
The authors were members of the BSPA Working
Group on Energy & Environment.
Yoeli: Yale University. Budescu: Fordham University.
Carrico: University of Colorado at Boulder.
Delmas and DeShazo: University of California,
Los Angeles. Ferraro: Johns Hopkins University.
Forster: Columbia University. Kunreuther: University
of Pennsylvania. Larrick: Duke University.
Lubell: University of California, Davis. Markowitz:
University of Massachusetts Amherst. Tonn:
Three3, Inc., Knoxville. Vandenbergh: Vanderbilt
University. Weber: Princeton University. Corresponding
author’s e-mail: [email protected].
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