A personal touch in text messaging can improve microloan repayment

by Dean Karlan, Melanie Morten, & Jonathan Zinman
February 16, 2017

Supplemental Material

Author Note

We appreciate the cooperation of Green Bank and Rural Bank of Mabitac in designing and implementing this study. We thank the editor and anonymous reviewers; John Owens and the staff at MABS in the Philippines for help with data and implementation mechanics; and Tomoko Harigaya, Rebecca Hughes, Mark Miller, Megan McGuire, and Junica Soriano for excellent fieldwork. We thank participants at the 2011 Advances with Field Experiments conference and the 2013 IZA/WZB Field Days conference for helpful comments. Financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. All opinions and errors are our own.

Author Affiliation

Karlan, Department of Economics, Yale University; Morten, Department of Economics, Stanford University; Zinman, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College. Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]


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