Author Note
We thank Eric Johnson for helpful comments on
the article and participants in the early stages of
this endeavor: Kate Wessels, Katherine Baicker,
Laszlo Bock, Troy Brennan, Rodney Ghali, Robert
Krughoff, Tova Levin, Maureen Pirog, Robert
Sahadevan, Kevin Volpp, Jessica Wisdom, and
Wendy Wood.
Author Affiliation
The authors were members of the BSPA Working
group on health.
Loewenstein and Hagmann: Carnegie Mellon
University. Schwartz: Tulane University. Ericson:
Boston University. Kessler: University of Pennsylvania.
Bhargava: Carnegie Mellon University.
Blumenthal-Barby: Baylor College of Medicine.
D’Aunno: New York University. Handel and
Kolstad: University of California, Berkeley. Nussbaum:
University of Chicago and Behavioral
Science and Policy Association. Shaffer: University
of Missouri. Skinner: Dartmouth College.
Ubel: Duke University. Zikmund-Fisher: University
of Michigan. Corresponding author’s e-mail:
[email protected].
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